Thursday, December 17, 2009

Chess Based MUD

(This was an unfinished concept. I am adding it as part of the "Post Semester Concept Dump". It was a work in progress on a Chess based MUD. Players waited in a lobby and had to fill up a team with the proper number of each class. They took turns and each time it was a different players turn. So every piece had to go. Players had to start as pawns but unlocked the ability to become other pieces threw earning points based on their performance.)

Pawn- “Gang” (Tank)
Knight- Teleporter (Tank)
Bishop- Fighter (Striker)
Castle- “Archer” (Striker)
Queen- Healer (Leader)
King- Revealer (Leader)

EXP Gain
King (Levels up by completion of goals.)
Queen (Gains EXP during combat at a steady rate. Looses EXP when King gets hurt.)
Castle (Gains EXP based on damage dealt)
Bishop (Gains EXP based on rank vs. other characters)
Knight (Gains exp based on how little damage it took. Exp = Level x1000 – amount damaged)
Pawn (Gains exp based on number of other surviving members)

-Order: Summon Ally (The selected pawn summons an ally adjacent to it. HP and status effects are shared. Max of 8) [OsN, OsS, OsE, OsW]
-Order: Attack (The selected pawn does a special attack at a diagonal)
-Order: Grapple (The selected pawn will shut down a pawn in front of it, skipping turns it’s next turn.)

Knight- Teleporter (Tank)
-Jump: You teleport an (“L) [Command: J then NU, ND, SU, SD, EU, ED, WU, WD]
-Parry: You can not move but return an attack when attacked [Command ParOn ParOff]
-Blood Oath: You can teleport back to your king at an adjacent square. [Command BoN BoS BoE BoW]

Bishop- Fighter (Striker)
Castle- “Archer” (Striker)
Queen- Healer (Leader)
King- Revealer (Leader)

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