Monday, November 23, 2009

Sometimes I love this School

So I am currently working on a research paper on "Competitive Alternatives to Hit Points". Along with it I have a project that needs to be tacked on to illustrate our research paper. I am writing variant rules to D&D 3.5-4.0/Pathfinder/d20 OGL utilizing these alternatives. This week I'll include these variant rules.

English 102 Project

Adventures in Competitive HP Alternatives

Standard (D&D 3.5-4.0/Pathfinder/d20 OGL)

AC= 10 + Armor Bonus + Dex + Size Bonus+ Natural Armor + Deflection Bonus + Misc Modifiers

Attack Roll= d20 + BAB vs AC

Result = HP - d6 + Str

Wound System

AC= 10 + Armor Bonus + Dex + Size Bonus+ Natural Armor + Deflection Bonus + Misc Modifiers

Attack Roll= d20 + BAB vs AC

Result =d20 Wound Roll + Con Modifier

Result Effect Description
> 0 Death Hope your friends are nice enough to pay for a resurrection.
1 to 10 Bleeding Out You are unconscious until stabilized. Roll on the wound chart every turn until you either die or stabilize. (20+)
11 to 15 Crippled You are knocked prone and can’t make attack of opportunity.
16 to 20 Unnerved No attacks of opportunity
21+ Just a Flesh Wound You suffered a minor wound but not enough to stop you. If this is a stabilization roll you stabilize.

Defense Pool Style #1 (“Kiddy Gloves”)

Attack Roll= Attack Roll= d20 + BAB (“I attack with a 22”)

Defensive Options=

Parry = vs AC If you successfully parry this attack, you get an immediate attack of opportunity.

Take It = Vs Ac + Con

Dodge = vs AC + Dex (again)

Move = vs Ac. Regardless of the result you make take a 5 foot step after the attack.

Result = d20 + Con vs. 10 or die.

Defense Pool Style #2 (“Iron Man”)

AC= 10 + Armor Bonus + Defense Modifier + Size Bonus+ Natural Armor + Deflection Bonus + Misc Modifiers

Attack Roll= d20 + BAB (“I attack with a 22”)

Defensive Options=

Parry = vs AC If you successfully parry this attack, you get an immediate attack of opportunity. (Defense Modifier = none)

Take It = Vs Ac (Defense Modifier = Con Modifier)

Dodge = vs AC (Defense Modifier = Dex Modifier)

Move = vs Ac. Regardless of the result you make take a 5 foot step after the attack. (Defense Modifier = none.)

Result = d20 + Con vs. 10 or die.