Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Steampunk LARP Concept
Steampunk LARP
Vitality 1* (You start with 1 hit point)
Vitality 2 (Your hit points increase to 2.)
Vitality 3 (Your hit points increase to 3.)
Vitality 4 (Your hit points increase to 4.)
Vitality 5 (Your hit points increase to 5.)
Pistol Proficiency [10 Second Reload.]
Revolver Proficiency [30 second reload after up to 6 shots]
Rifle Proficiency [20 Second Reload]
Blunderbuss Proficiency [30 second reload after 1 multi-shot of no more than 6 darts.]
Small Weapon Proficiency* (You must state if the weapon you are using is bladed or blunt when created.)
Bladed Weapon Proficiency
Blunt Weapon Proficiency
Great Weapon Proficiency (Required using two hands in order to deal damage. You must state if the weapon you are using is bladed or blunt when created.)
Light Armor Proficiency (Grants 1 armor to any limb it covers or the torso)
Medium Armor Proficiency (Grants 2 armor to any limb it covers or the torso)
Heavy Armor Proficiency (Grants 3 armor to any limb it covers or the torso)
Mechanized Armor Proficiency (Grants2 armor to any limb it covers or the torso but it can be upgraded… by SCIENCE!)
Shield Proficiency (Up to Kite Shield Size)
Tower Shield Proficiency (Up to tower shield sized)
Buckler Proficiency (Smaller than a pizza box)
Science! (This skill allows you to use various advanced pieces of technology. It is not specialized, but if you are trained it “Science!” you can at least glean some form of information on its design or make use of it in some limited fashion.)
Engineering (This skill allows you to use various advanced weaponry or at least identify how one WOULD use it.)
Repair (It takes 1 minuet of uninterrupted role-playing to recover 1 point of armor to one area. To repair a broken weapon it takes 5 minutes of roleplay.)
Upgrade: Armor Plating (You may increase the armor value of mechanized armor by 2. It counts as heavy armor for the purposes of negating bullet damage. You must purchase the necessary armor plates. This MUST be stylized on the armor.)
Upgrade: Mechanized Reloader (Once per day you may reload and fire your next shot as soon as you are physically able to. You must purchase the necessary mechanized reloader. This MUST be stylized on the armor.)
Upgrade: Chainsaw Edge (Any blows from a bladed weapon upgraded with this automatically deal 2 damage to armor. You must purchase the necessary mechanized chainsaw parts for the weapon. This MUST be stylized on the weapon. )
Upgrade: Pneumatic (Any blows from a blunt weapon upgraded with this automatically destroy a weapon once per day per time upgraded with this upgrade. You must call “Pneumatic !” when you’re using this technique. Missed swings to not expend this. You must purchase the necessary Pneumatic parts for the weapon. This MUST be stylized on the weapon. )
Upgrade: Anti-Artillery Plating (By adding a layer of tank plating to the front of a shield, it becomes sufficiently thick enough to ignore ALL bullet damage. If the shield is hit with a bullet, they do not take the 1 damage to the limb the shield is using. This must be stylized on the shield. It may not be added to a Buckler.)
Pseudoscience (This skill allows you to use various bizarre fringe technology or at least identify how one WOULD use it.)
Detect Paranormal (After one minuet of roleplaying setting up a pseudoscientific display you may call out “I detect all unnatural presence before me!”. This has various effects dependent on the unnatural element.)
Reverse Paranormal Influence (After one minuet of roleplaying enacting a pseudoscientific experiment you may call out “I expel all unnatural elements before me!”.)
Medical (This skill allows you to use various medical technology or at least identify how one WOULD use it.)
First Aid (By roleplaying 1 minuet of aid to a character at zero hit points you can restore them back to one.)
Medical Treatment (By roleplaying two minutes of aid to an injured character . (Note: not an unconscious character) you can restore one hit point to them.
Diagnosis (A character with this skill can diagnose what's wrong with another. They may whisper a question such as “are you poisoned?” and the character may respond in the same fashion to the best of their knowledge. This is out of game talk to represent the character in-game knowledge. It takes 30 second to diagnose but after those 30 seconds you may ask as many questions as you wish.)
Augmentation (This skill allows you to use various bio-technological components or at least identify how one WOULD use it.)
Embedded Automatic Defibrillator (When your heart stops a rather unpleasant jolt fries your ticker to attempt to keep it ticking again. As soon as you are reduced to zero hit points you must fall to the ground. After the one minuet of bleeding out expires you sit back up at one hit point… and in extreme pain. This can only occur once per event. This must be stylized as part of your costume. This requires the correct components to create. The surgery for this takes place between events.)
Mechanized Arm (One of your arms is no longer of flesh and blood. It is permanently grafted with a one handed melee weapon. It can’t be destroyed or detached. That limb automatically has 6 armor but when that armor is destroyed the limb is useless until repaired to at least 1 armor. This must be stylized as part of your costume. This requires the correct components to create. The surgery for this takes place between events.)
*You start with these skills.
Guns are approved by staff and are Nerf (or an equivalent brand. Homemade guns will be approved on a case by case basis). They MUST be stylized to fit the setting. You may use any gun so long as they fit the following criteria:
-It only fire 1 shot within the determined reload time. (except for the Blunderbuss)
-You must roleplay the reload time of your weapon, uninterrupted and unmoved. Any interruption (a blow or moving from your spot for example) causes you to have to restart the reload.
-Pistols & Revolvers must shoot no further than 10 feet on average.
-Rifles & Blunderbuss have no limit on range.
-A shot that hits a limb will result in reducing a person to 1 vitality and that limb is stunned.
-If heavy armor is hit it instantly reduces it to zero armor but the area it hit is still fine.
-A shot that hits the torso will result in an instant death.
-Guns may NEVER be used in melee in any capacity. Using it in melee WILL result in your instant death and repercussions from staff.
-Ammunition must be bought. You don’t need to use different darts each time- but you DO need to keep track of how much ammo you are using.
Any melee weapon must be made according to our guidelines. (Boffer/Latex) This is a lightest touch system- ANY bodily contact will be sufficient to deal damage. Any blow from a weapon (regardless of weapon type) deals one point of damage. The head is NEVER a legal target. Contact with a weapon during a blow is sufficient to negate any damage.
Armor provides extra HP to the body-part it covers. (Left/Right Limbs and torso). Armor goes before any HP. After it is damaged- it takes the skill “repair” to restore it.
Shields block all incoming melee and bullet damage. In the case of bullets- it is assumed that the bullet still goes through the shield but because it goes through it the damage is not sufficient enough to kill the target. If a shield gets hit with a bullet- that limb takes 1 point of damage. Tower shields and shield upgraded with the Anti-Artillery upgrade are thick enough to ignore this damage.
Each weapon blow is one damage. Each bullet shot to a limb reduces you to 1 hp and stuns your limb. A bullet shot to your torso instantly kills you. If you are reduced to 1 hp, any blow to a limb stuns it until you get 1 point of healing in any fashion. In order to die- the final blow must land on your torso.
After you are reduced to zero hit points by a blow to the torso means you are bleeding out. You are unconscious (aka: bleeding out) for 1 minute. If anyone starts to attempt to administer first aid this stops the timer and resets it while they are healing you. If they are interrupted you start to bleed out again. After one minute you make your way to the fate room and draw your card to see if you return back to life.
When you die, it is not the end. You go to the cast area and draw from the deck of fate. They will dictate what happens to your character. More often than not you will return to the land of the living by the
“I’ve seen some sick things kids. Some really sick things- but nothing as sick as you lot. The world’s going to hell and you’re profiteering from it? You all must have a screw loose or two to shack up on that heap like the “Heart-Warmer” with a person like Dr. Goodfellow. Into the fray he says! “For money! For love! For the sake of living he says!” Watch out for number one so you don’t step in number two is all I say! The Britannia Empire has a price on his head and if you step foot on his ship you do to!”
The world is at total war and you’ve shipped up with Dr. Goodfellow on his ship “The Heart-Warmer”. His crew of mercenaries gets contracts to attack other ships in a pirate-like fashion. They have no side except for those who pay them the most. Sometimes they are hired for other type of jobs. Most of the time their contracts are not made public as officially they have been declared war-criminals by both sides and hiring them would be an offence.
The Great Harvest God
A great, malicious, chaotic god of madness lies beyond the reaches of mortal perception. His influence on the world is profound despite the fact that he is currently not yet born. It is merely the fact that he WILL be born that influences the world. His impending coming adds an element of chaos to the world- making unnatural things occur. (This is basically the plot’s “A Wizard Did it”. It is reminiscent of our favorite Lovecraftian horror.)