Players have a deck of 50 cards.
A player may never have more than 3 copies of a card in a deck. (Unless otherwise noted)
Cards represent actions
They require you to have certain prerequisites (Class, race, equipment)
Everyone has “basic actions” they can take on their turn. (Move, make a weapon attack)
A player may only move once (4 squares normally) on their turn.
At the start of combat, players shuffle their decks and draw 5 cards. (This is their hand)
At the start of a players turn, they draw one card.
At the end of their turn they may not have more than 5 cards in their hand. If they have more than 5 cards in their hand, they must discard it to their discard pile.
The GM has a deck called the “environment” deck.
On a player's turn they can generally play several cards.
Players may have less than 50 cards in their deck.
A player may never have less than 25 cards in their deck
If a player has no deck, they shuffle their graveyard into their deck.
Turn order is determined by the number of cards in your deck. The lowest numbers go first. Then it is a roll-off. (It is also a roll-off in the case of ties)
-Cards that have the “Attack” descriptor may only be used on your turn. You may only play one attack card on your turn.
-Cards that have the “Reaction” descriptor may be played at any point that the card allows.
-Cards that have the “Prepared” descriptor may be played on your turn. You can play as many prepared cards as you want. Play them face-down on the ground in front of you. (They are generally reaction cards)
-Cards that have the “Common” descriptor may have up to 10 copies.
-Cards that have the “Heroic” descriptor may only have one copy in the deck. A heroic card is not placed into the discard pile- it is removed from play.
-Cards that have the “Magic” descriptor may only be cast by characters who's class or race allows them to cast magic.
-Cards that have the “Divine” descriptor may only be cast by characters who's class or race allows them to cast divine magics.
-Cards with the “stealth” descriptor must be played face down. You tell the opponent what the card is. You may lie. They card you “claim” it to be MUST be another stealth card. An opponent may accuse you of bluffing. If they are correct- the stealth card is automatically negated. If they are incorrect (and it really is the card you say it it), the card you played may not be reacted to by that player. If they do not call you out on it- the card counts as the card you say it is. You must have physical copy of the card with you for rule verification. This card may not be a proxy.
Spells: No
Divine: No
HP: 8 x Level
Armor: Heavy
Equipment: Martial
-At 1st level, ignore equipment requirements for weapons so long as you have a weapon in your hands.
-At 10th level, opponents may not use melee reaction cards against cards you play with the martial descriptor unless they are higher than your level.
-At 20th level, treat all cards that have both the the melee and attack descriptors as being “common” unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
Spells: No
Divine: No
HP: 6 x Level
Armor: Medium
Equipment: Martial
-At 1st level, treat all cards that have both the the melee and reaction descriptor as being “common” cards unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
-At 10th level, treat all cards that have the stealth descriptor as being “common” cards unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
-At 20th level, you may always play the top card on your discard pile as if it where in your hand if it is a card with the melee descriptor. If you play a card in this fashion, it is removed from play.
Blade Dancer
Spells: No
Divine: No
HP: 6 x Level
Armor: None
Equipment: Martial
-At 1st level, you may double the number of movement squares you may make on a turn.
-At 10th level, you double the number of attack cards you can play on a turn. The extra attack card played must have the melee descriptor.
-At 20th level, you may equip medium armor.
Mage Hunter
Spells: Yes
Divine: No
HP: 6 x Level
Armor: Medium
Equipment: Martial
-At 1st level, treat all cards that have both the the magic and reaction descriptor as being “common” cards unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
-At 10th level, any card with the magic descriptor that you successfully play a reaction card on that would normally go to the graveyard is instead removed from play.
-At 20th level, you may equip heavy armor.
Council Mage
Spells: Yes
Divine: No
HP: 4 x Level
Armor: None
Equipment: Simple
-At 1st level, treat all cards with the magic descriptor as being “common” cards unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
-At 10th level, you may always play the top card on your discard pile as if it where in your hand if it is a card with the magic descriptor. If you play a card in this fashion, it is removed from play.
-At 20th level, discard a card with the magic descriptor from you hand. You may search your deck for any card with the magic descriptor and place it in you hand. Shuffle the deck afterward. You can only do this once per turn.
Spells: Yes
Divine: No
HP: 4 x Level
Armor: None
Equipment: Simple
-At 1st level, any time a card would go to the discard pile you may instead elect to shuffle it back into your deck at the end of your turn. (They go to your discard pile in the meantime)
-At 10th level, you may increase the number of cards you draw per turn by one for every player or creature that is currently dead. Dead targets must be within 10 squares of you. The creature must have been killed as a result of combat within the last 10 min.
-At 20th level, you are healed 5 hp every time a card is removed from play.
Spells: No
Divine: Yes
HP: 4 x Level
Armor: None
Equipment: Simple
-At 1st level, enemies with the demonic or evil descriptors can not use reaction cards against cards you play with the divine descriptor if they are not higher level than you.
-At 10th level, treat all cards that have the divine descriptor as being “common” cards unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
Spells: No
Divine: No
HP: 6 x Level
Armor: Heavy
Equipment: Martial
-At 1st level, enemies with the demonic or evil descriptors can not use reaction cards against cards you play with the martial descriptor.
-At 10th level, you may use cards with the divine descriptor.
-At 20th level, treat all cards that have both the the melee and attack descriptors as being “common” unless they are heroic. If they are heroic, they loose that descriptor.
Spells: No
Divine: Yes
HP: 4 x Level
Armor: None
Equipment: Simple
-At 1st level, you must order the cards in your hand at the start of combat. That is the order they MUST be played in. When you receive new cards, you may only place them in the order. You may not edit the order of any other cards. You may always elect to discard cards on top of your order to the graveyard. (To get to the card you need)
-At 10th level, you may ask your opponent to show you their hand at any point. On your turn you may elect to draw a card from another player's hand instead of your deck.
-At 20th level, you may discard your hand to cause a target to discard their hand. You then both draw five new cards. You may only do this once per turn.
Spells: No
Divine: No
HP: 4 x Level
Armor: None
Equipment: Simple
-At 1st level, select magic or divine. You may play cards with that descriptor.
-At 10th level, select magic or divine. You may play cards with that descriptor.
-At 20th level, you may chose to play attack cards with the divine descriptor as if they had the descriptor “magic” instead. (Or vice versa)
Special: If an elf picks a class that can not use cards with the magic descriptor, they may. If they already have that capacity or gain that capacity as the result of leveling up , then magic cards do not count against their hand size.
Special: If an orc picks a class that can not is not able to use martial weapons and does not gain that capacity as the result of leveling up, they may. If they already have that capacity, then melee cards do not count against their hand size.
Special: Humans have no hand size limit. (They still only draw 5 cards to start) In addition, a human draws 2 cards on their turn instead of one.
Special: If an angel picks a class that can not is not able to use cards with the divine descriptor, they may. If they already have that capacity or gain that capacity as the result of leveling up, then divine cards do not count against their hand size.
Simple Weapons
Light Bladed 1d2
Light Blunt 1d2
Medium Blades 1d4
Medium Blunt 1d4
Great Bladed 1d8
Great Blunt 1d8
Ranged 1d4 (rage of 6 squares)
Martial Weapons
Light Bladed 1d4
Light Blunt 1d4
Medium Blades 1d6
Medium Blunt 1d6
Great Bladed 1d8
Great Blunt 1d8
Ranged 1d6 (rage of 8 squares)
*Great & ranged weapons require 2 hands to use.
No Armor
N/A (-0 squares of movement)
Light Armor
Padded Armor (-0 squares of movement)
Medium Armor
Chain mail (-1 squares of movement)
Heavy Armor
Full Plate (-2 squares of movement)
Tower Shield
Base Cards
Spell Surge
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
Designate a target within 8 squares. You deal 1d6 x your level in damage to that target.
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
Designate a target within 8 squares. You may move them 1d6 + 3 squares in a strait line.
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
Designate a target within 8 squares. That target may not play attack cards on their next 1d6 turns.
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
Designate a target within 8 squares. That target may move from the square they are in for the next 1d6 turns.
Death Drinker
Descriptors: Magic, Reaction, Prepared
Whenever a target gets reduced to zero hp within 8 squares of you, you may active this card. You are restored 1d6 hp for every level they had.
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
Designate a target within 8 squares. That target deals an additional 1d6 damage with attack cards with the melee descriptor for rounds equal to your level.
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
Designate a target within 8 squares. That target receives a penalty to their damage. The penalty is 1d6 (rolled after the attack) and it can reduce damage to a minimum of zero. This effect lasts for rounds equal to your level.
Descriptors: Magic, Reaction, Prepared
When any target within 4 squares attempts to use a card with the descriptor “Magic” on it, you may re-designate the target of the spell.
Descriptors: Magic, Reaction, Attack
Select one ongoing effect created by a card with the magic descriptor, it is negated.
Descriptors: Magic, Reaction, Prepared
When any target within 4 squares attempts to use a card with the descriptor “Magic” on it, you may negate the card. The target of the spell must be you or include you. If a card is negated in this fashion, it is not sent to the discard pile but rather it is removed from play.
Spell Echo
Descriptors: Magic, Attack
If you successfully played a reaction card to negate or otherwise redirect a card with the magic descriptor- you may search your opponent's graveyard and use it for your attack.
Descriptors: Magic, Reaction
When any target within 4 squares attempts to use a card with the descriptor “Magic” on it, you may reduce any damage or duration the spell designates by half. (You may chose not to reduce certain aspects)
Enlarge Spell
Descriptors: Magic, Reaction
Whenever you use a card with the descriptor “Magic” on it, you may increase any damage or duration the spell designates by half. (You may chose not to increase certain aspects)
Overhead Strike
Requirements: Any Great Bladed Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Attack
Select an adjacent target and deal twice your normal weapon's damage to them!
Serpent Strike
Requirements: Any Martial Light Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Attack
A quick strike renders the opponent unable to react to this card.
Warding Blow
Requirements: Any Martial Great Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction, Prepared
When an opponent moved adjacent to you, even as part of a movement, you may deal you weapon's damage to them.
Requirements: Any Martial Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Attack
You may move at twice your normal movement speed in a strait line so long as you end your movement adjacent to your target. If you end your turn adjacent to them, they take your weapon's damage.
Requirements: Martial Blunt Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Attack
An adjacent target takes your weapon's damage and, if they do not negate this card, can not use reaction cards until the start of their next turn. On their next turn- they may not move.
Requirements: Martial Bladed Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Attack
An adjacent target takes your weapon's damage and, if they do not negate this card, has their weapon unequipped until the start of their next turn. They can not use reaction cards until the start of their next turn. On their next turn- they may not use attack cards.
Requirements: Any Martial Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
When any adjacent target attempts to attack you with a card with the descriptor “Melee” on it, you may negate it as a reaction.
Requirements: Buckler, Shield, or Tower Shield
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
When any adjacent target attempts to attack you with a a card with the descriptor “Melee” on it, you may negate it as a reaction.
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction, Common
When any adjacent target attempts to attack you with a card with the descriptor “Melee” on it, you may negate it as a reaction.
Shield Bash
Requirements: Shield or Tower Shield
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
If you just played the card “Block”, you may immediately move the opponent who attacked you away from you one square.
Shield Wall
Requirements: Tower Shield
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
When an opponent makes a standard weapon attack against you, flip a coin. If it comes up heads, the attack is negated. If it comes up tails, continue as normal.
Requirements: Any Bladed Martial Weapon
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
If you just played the card “Parry”, you may immediately deal your weapon damage to the target who attempted to attack you.
Close Call
Requirements: Light Armor or heavier
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
Play this card as a reaction when you take damage as the result of a melee attack. That damage is cut by a 1/4th.
Glancing Blow
Requirements: Medium Armor or heavier
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
Play this card as a reaction when you take damage as the result of a melee attack. That damage is cut in half.
Soak the Blow
Requirements: Heavy Armor
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction
Play this card as a reaction when you take damage as the result of a melee attack. That damage is cut in by 3/4th.
Fight Though the Pain
Requirements: Heavy Armor
Descriptors: Melee, Reaction, Heroic
Play this card as a reaction when you take damage as the result of a melee attack. That damage is completely negated.
Descriptors: Attack
Pick a target who is adjacent to you. Both players discard cards, the player who discards less cards takes the difference in damage. The damage they suffer is 2d6 x the difference in cards discarded.
Call to Action
Descriptors: Reaction, Heroic
This card can be played at the end of your turn. You may immediately take another turn.
Descriptors: Stealth, Attack
Pick an adjacent target and declare an attack with this card face down. If you target does not react to this, has their weapon unequipped until the start of their next turn. They can not use reaction cards until the start of their next turn. On their next turn- they may not use attack cards.
Sneak Attack
Descriptors: Stealth, Attack
Pick an adjacent target and declare an attack with this card face down. If you target does not react to this, they take 1d6 damage times your level.
Descriptors: Stealth, Attack
Pick an adjacent target and declare an attack with this card face down. Lie about what this card is. If the target accuses you of lying, they may take no reactions until the start of their next turn.
Descriptors: Stealth, Attack
Pick an adjacent target and declare an attack with this card face down. Lie about what this card is. If the target accuses you of lying, you and them switch places. (This does not count as your movement)
Descriptors: Stealth, Attack, Heroic
Pick an adjacent target and declare an attack with this card face down. If you target does not react to this, they are reduced to zero hit points.
Holy Light
Descriptors: Divine, Attack, Common
All targets adjacent to you take 1d6 x your level in holy damage. You may omit characters if you wish.
Descriptors: Divine, Common
One target adjacent to you heals 1d6 x your level in hp.
Veil of Light
Descriptors: Divine, Reaction, Prepared
When you take damage, roll 1d6 and multiple the result by your level. If the amount is greater than the damage dealt to you, it is negated. If it is not greater, nothing happens and this card is discarded.
Descriptors: Divine, Reaction, Prepared
When you discard cards from you hand as the result of another card with the divine descriptor, this card restores you 1d6 hp to you for each card discarded. After this card is activated, it is discarded.
Descriptors: Divine, Reaction
When an ally takes damage, discard any number of cards from you hand. You negate 1d6 damage for every card you discard in this fashion.
Descriptors: Divine, Heroic
Revive a dead target at hp equal to 1d6 x your level.
Orcish Rage
Requirements: Orc
Descriptors: Reaction, Common
You may play this in response to you taking damage. You add +2 to all damage you deal and -2 to all damage you take (to a minimum of 1) until the end of your next turn. This comes into effect AFTER you take damage.
Orcish Rage
Requirements: Orc
Descriptors: Reaction, Common
You may play this in response to you taking damage. You add +2 to all damage you deal and -2 to all damage you take (to a minimum of 1) until the end of your next turn. This comes into effect AFTER you take damage.
Keen Ears
Requirements: Elf
Descriptors: Reaction
You may play this in response to a stealth card being played on you. It is immediately negated. If the “Night Fighting” environment card is in play, double your visual range.
Elven Lithe
Requirements: Elf
Descriptors: Reaction
You may play this card any time the “Uneven Terrain” environment card is in play. Negate the effects of that card.
Base Environment Cards
Night Fighting
The area you fight in is shrouded in darkness. Movement speed is reduced by half. Players are limited to 1d6 +2 squares of vision. Check this after every attack is made to see if they can see the target. If they can not see their target, the attack is wasted.
Uneven Terrain
The area you fight in has terrain no mortal man could traverse without some difficulty. Cut your movement speed in half.
Mana Surge Field
The area you fight in has a highly potent field of magical energy. Cards played with the
terrain no mortal man could traverse without some difficulty. Cut your movement speed in half.
Base Enemy Cards
Descriptors: Demonic
Class: Mage Hunter
Level: 5