Friday, July 2, 2010

Spellcrafter Homebrewed Class


Hit Dice: d6


Skills: Spellcraft 10 ranks

Feats: Improved Counterspell

Spells: The ability to cast Detect Magic, Dispel Magic, and Greater Dispel Magic


Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (All) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)

Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Spellcrafters gain no additional proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells: When a new spellcrafter level is gained, the character gains new spells per day as if he

had also gained a level in any one spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class. He does not, however, gain other benefit its a character of that class would have gained. This

essentially means that he adds the level of spellcrafter to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day, spells known, and caster level accordingly. If a character had more than one spellcasting class class before he became a spellcrafter, he must decide to which class he adds each level of spellcrafter for the purpose of determining spells per day.

Eyes of the Mage (Sp): You may use “detect magic” as a free action as a spell-like ability with no limit to the number of times per day you are able to use it.

Spellcrafter (Ex): You may counterspell spells that you do not know with “Dispel Magic” as if it where the correct spell. You may also spontaneously convert any spell of 3rd level or higher to “Dispel Magic”. Any spell of 6th level or higher may be spontaneously converted to “Dispel Magic Greater”.

Meddle (Ex): Instead of “counter-spelling” (which renders a spell inert after a ready action) you may change the fabric of a spell to re-design it's purpose. This counts as an attack of opportunity. When someone casts a spell, you roll and opposed spell-craft check. If you are successful- you get to turn the spell back on the caster. This spell will not effect them until the start of their next turn at which point they may chose to expend a swift action to meddle it (if they can). As with normal attacks of opportunities you may not meddle flat-footed. The number of meddles you can make per turn is not improved by Combat Reflex. On a successful meddle check, you may only apply a metamagic feat to a spell. If another metamagic feat is applied to this spell it automatically overrides the older effect.

Mimic Spell (Su): With a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + the spell's level) to identify a spell being cast, you may mimic that spell on your next turn- provided that you sacrifice a spell of equal level in order to do so. Any metamagic or other such augmentation is not mimicked and you use your own statistics (such as statistics and caster level) to cast the spell. You can do this once per day at 2nd level. You may do this twice per day at 4th level, three times per day at 6th level, four times per day at 8th level and at 10th level you can mimic a spell five times per day.

Bonus Feats: At 7th and 9th level, a spellcrafter gains a bonus feat. At each such opportunity, he can choose a metamagic feat, an item creation feat, or Spell Mastery. The spellcrafter must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gets from advancing levels. The spellcrafter is not limited to the categories of item creation feats, metamagic or Spell Mastery when choosing those feats.

Spell Division (Ex): When you successfully meddle a spell, you can send a second copy of the spell at a different target (or the same target if you are feeling particularly malicious). You may chose to do this a number of times per day equal to you Intelligence modifier but never more than once in a round.

New Feats:

Meddling Mage

Prerequisite: Ability to Meddle Spells

You may make a number of additional meddle checks per round equal to your Wisdom bonus. With this feat, you may also meddle a spell while flat-footed.

Magical Duelist

Prerequisite: Ability to Meddle Spells

+5 to Meddle Checks

Disruptive Meddling

Prerequisite: Meddling Mage

When you successfully meddle a spell, the spell sent back at them gives them a -10 during their next Meddle check to effect this spell.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Totem Spirit Barbarian 3.5 Conversion

Totem Spirit Barbarians

Like all the conversions I do, the base for this is not my work, but a good idea so I converted it over from 3.5 to Pathfinder. Some people have expressed interest in improving the Barbarian because it doesn't stand up quite as well at high levels. (I can't speak to that myself) I ended up looking this over and wanting to convert it over. Because Pathfinder is a higher power game than 3.5 I removed the stuff they loose to gain this. Each of these entries normally have “A barbarian dedicated to the such and such totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities.” but I removed that.

Barbarian Totem Spirits

In a barbarian-heavy campaign, you can increase the variation between barbarian characters if each barbarian tribe dedicates itself to a different totem creature, such as the bear or the jaguar. The choice of a totem must be taken at 1st level, and cannot be changed later except under extreme circumstances (such as the barbarian being adopted by another tribe).

The barbarian gains class features as determined by his totem. All totems do not necessarily grant abilities at the same levels, nor do they all grant the same number of abilities. These class features are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise indicated.

The list of totems discussed here is by no means exhaustive. If you prefer to use other totems, you can either substitute the totem name for that of a similar creature (such as changing the Lion Totem to the Tiger Totem) or create a new set of totem abilities, using the information here as a guide.

Ape Totem Class Features

  • At 1st level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a climb speed equal to one-half his base land speed (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval).

  • At 2nd level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.

  • A 3rd level ape-totem barbarian gains Power Attack as a bonus feat.

  • At 5th level, an ape-totem barbarian's climb speed equals his base land speed.

Bear Totem Class Features

  • A 1st-level bear-totem barbarian gains Toughness as a bonus feat.

  • At 2nd level, a bear-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.

  • Beginning at 5th level, a bear-totem barbarian gains a +4 bonus on grapple checks when raging.

Boar Totem Class Features

  • When raging, a 1st-level boar-totem barbarian is treated as having the Diehard feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.

  • At 3rd level and higher, a boar-totem barbarian's rage lasts for 2 rounds longer than normal.

  • Beginning at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 1 point higher than the normal value. Thus, at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 2/-, and it rises by 1 point every three levels thereafter.

Dragon Totem Class Features

  • A 1st-level dragon-totem barbarian gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.

  • At 2nd level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saves against paralysis and sleep effects.

  • At 5th level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains the frightful presence ability. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 barbarian level + barbarian's Cha modifier.

Eagle Totem Class Features

  • At 1st level, an eagle-totem barbarian's keen vision grants him a +2 bonus on Spot checks.

  • An eagle-totem barbarian gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

  • An eagle-totem barbarian gains Fleet as a bonus feat at 5th level.

Horse Totem Class Features

  • At 2nd level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.

  • A 3rd-level horse-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks made with regard to horses and a +2 bonus on Ride checks made to ride a horse.

  • At 5th level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.

Jaguar Totem Class Features

  • At 1st level, an jaguar-totem barbarian's keen vision grants him a +2 bonus on Jump checks.

  • An jaguar-totem barbarian gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 3rd level.

  • At 5th level, a jaguar-totem barbarian gains Lunge as a bonus feat even if he doesn't meet the perquisites.

Lion Totem Class Features

  • At 1st level, a lion-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.

  • A 2nd-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Hide checks.

  • A 5th-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls whenever he charges.

Serpent Totem Class Features

  • At 1st level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.

  • A 2nd level serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks.

  • At 5th level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.

Wolf Totem Class Features

  • A 1st level wolf-totem barbarian gain the “scent” ability.

  • A 2nd level wolf-totem barbarian gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.

  • A 5th level wolf-totem barbarian gains Track as a bonus feat.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Hierophant Pathfinder Conversion

So going along the same vein as I've been for a few weeks now, I'm turning out another 3.5 conversion. I converted the Hierophant over to Pathfinder from D&D 3.5. I wanted a class that could pick and chose metamagic on the fly so when I was looking though my old Dungeon Master's Guide I came across this class and decided it needed a full 10 levels rather than 5 and I could squeeze my metamagic gambit in there to sweeten the pot. Let's see how it's gonna do- it will be one of the classes (along with all my other converted/home-brewed prestige classes) tested in the upcoming game next month at our school's LAN.



The Hierophant

The will of the masses is a powerful tool and when a divine caster begins to gain political clout (or other reputation) so too grows their clout in the eyes of the divine as well. Forsaking the advancement of their divine spells- they delve deeper into the service of their deity and are rewarded with divine secrets only the most devout can truly comprehend.

Hit Dice: d6


Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 7 ranks, Diplomacy 7 ranks

Feats: Any metamagic feat, Leadership

Spells: Ability to cast 5th level divine spells


Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (religion)(Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).

Skill Points Per Level: 2 + Int modifier


Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hierophants gain no proficiency with any weapon or armor.

Spells and Caster Level: Levels in the Hierophant prestige class, even though they do not advance spell progression in the character's base class, still stack with the character's base spellcasting level to determine caster level.

Divine Secret: Every other level, a Hierophant gains access to a “Divine Secret” of his choice from the following:

Blast Infidels (Su): You can use your Channel Energy feature to their maximum effect on creatures with an alignment opposed to the your deity. (See below for a list of which alignments are opposed to each alignment.) When using the channel energy effect to deal damage to a creature of opposing alignment, you treat Channel Energy as if it where under the effect of Maximize Spell. This does not increase the amount healed by the Channel Positive Energy ability, but it does increase the damage dealt to undead.

Divine Reach (Su):
A Hierophant with this ability can use touch spells on targets up to 30ft away. If a spell requires a melee touch attack the Hierophant can make a ranged touch attack instead. Divine reach can be selected a second time as a Divine Secret, in which case it increases the range to 60ft.

Faith Healing (Su):
You can use your Channel Energy feature to their maximum effect on creatures with the same alignment as your deity. When using the Channel Energy effect to heal a creature of the same alignment as you deity, you treat Channel Energy as if it where under the effect of Maximize Spell. This does not increase the amount damage by the Channel Negative Energy ability, but it does increase the amount healed to undead.

Gift of the Divine (Su): Available only to Hierophants with cleric levels, this ability allows a Hierophant to transfer one or more uses of his Channel Energy ability to a willing creature. The transfer can last for up to 1 day for every Hierophant level. While the transfer is in effect, the number of times the cleric can Channel Energy is reduced by the number transferred. The recipient turns use Channel Energy as a cleric of the Hierophant’s cleric level, but uses their own Charisma modifier.

Gift of the Wild (Su): Available only to Hierophants with druid levels, this ability allows a Hierophant to transfer one or more uses of his Wild Shape ability to a willing creature. The transfer can last for up to 1 day for every Hierophant level. While the transfer is in effect, the number of times the cleric can use Wild Shape is reduced by the number transferred. The recipient turns use Wild Shape as a cleric of the Hierophant’s druid level.

Mastery of Energy (Su): Available only to Hierophants with cleric levels, this ability allows a Hierophant to channel positive or negative energy much more effectively. Add a bonus equal to your Hierophants plus 2 to the amount healed or damaged by channel energy effects.

Spell Power: This special ability increases a Hierophant’s effective caster level by 1 for purposes of determining level-dependent spell variables and for caster level checks. This ability can be selected more than once, and changes to effective caster level are cumulative.

Metamagic Feat: A Hierophant can choose a metamagic feat in place of one of the Divine Secrets described here if desired.

Mastery of the Earth (Su): Available only to Hierophants with druid levels, this ability allows a Hierophant to draw spells from a second druid domain, though the Hierophant does not gain the granted powers. This ability can be selected more than once, and each time is applies to a new domain.

Beastkin (Su): Available only to Hierophants with druid levels, this ability gives the Hierophant a +10 bonus on Wild Empathy checks and Handel Animal checks.

Glossolalia (Su): You can speak and comprehend languages as if under the tongues spell. This is a spell-like ability that the Hierophant can use at will but he must state when he is using it. When using this the character will jabber on in an incoherent, trance-like fashion until they want to actually communicate.

Beastlord (Su): Available only to Hierophants with druid levels, this ability gives the Hierophant the ability to add part of his Hierophant level to the number of animals summoned by a summon nature's ally spells. If a Hierophant uses a summon nature's ally spell and selects the option to summon multiple lower level creatures, it may add it's Hierophant level minus the spell level in extra creatures and to the level of the creatures summoned. (For example: A Druid 10/ Hierophant 8 wants to cast summon nature's ally V spell and use it to summon 1d3 4th-level creatures of the same kind, it instead summons 1d3+3 creatures of 7th-level.)

Divine Influence (Su): You may reroll any one attack roll, critical hit confirmation roll, or save once per day. You must decide to use this ability after the first roll is made but before the results are revealed by the GM. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.

Divine Leadership (Su): You may add your Charisma level to your Leadership score again. (Normally it is simply added once)

Metamagic Feat (Su): At 4th level a Hierophant can select a metamagic feat as a bonus feat. The Hierophant must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. These bonus feats are in addition to the feats that a character of any class gets from advancing levels.

Divinity (Su): Starting at 2nd level, a Hierophant can treat a single spell cast per day as if it where under the effect of any one metamagic feat he currently meets the requirements for (including caster level minimums). He may decide spontaneously what this feat is. He does this without increasing the level of the spell affected. This is ability is refreshed when he does preparation. He gains a second use of this ability at every even level to a maximum of 5 times per day at 10th level.

(Note: This is currently undergoing revision. Until it is updated to a more final format please use the following abilities per level:)

1 Divine Secret

2 Divine Leadership, Divinity 1/Day

3 Divine Secret

4 Metamagic Feat, Divinity 2/Day

5 Divine Secret

6 Divinity 3/Day

7 Divine Secret

8 Divinity 4/Day

9 Divine Secret

10 Divinity 5/Day

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pathfinder Database

Hay guys! Some of my Pathfinder material is now up on Pathfinder Database. It's a great resource for GMs running Pathfinder games. There are pre-made NPCs, maps, and just about everything you can imagine homebrewing! Head on over!
